Case Study: Earn 15 000 USD per month with Mobmio as an in-app publisher

Case Study: Earn 15 000 USD per month with Mobmio as an in-app publisher


Initial Challenges

Strategy and Implementation



A prominent publisher managing an extensive in-app network sought to maximize their revenue from mobile app installs for service industry advertisers. Faced with challenges of fraud and low conversion rates, they partnered with Mobmio to leverage our expertise in mobile app growth and optimization. This case study highlights how we achieved substantial improvements, culminating in a monthly revenue of $15,000.

Initial Challenges

When the publisher first approached Mobmio, they were grappling with significant issues:

– High Fraud Rate: Fraudulent activities were inflating metrics, leading to skewed performance data and wasted ad spend.

– Low Conversion Rate: The initial click-to-install conversion rate was suboptimal, affecting overall revenue potential.

– Service Advertiser Demands: Service advertisers required high-quality, genuine user interactions to justify their ad spend and achieve their goals.

Strategy and Implementation

To address these challenges, Mobmio implemented a phased approach:

1. Initial Testing and Analysis: We began with a thorough assessment of the publisher’s in-app network. By running a series of tests, we identified key areas for improvement and established baseline metrics.

2. Optimization Efforts: Our team focused on two main optimization areas:

   – Fraud Reduction: We deployed advanced fraud detection tools and methodologies, successfully reducing the fraud rate from a staggering 38% to just 7%. This ensured that the traffic quality was significantly enhanced.

   – Conversion Rate Optimization: Through A/B testing, creative optimization, and targeted user segmentation, we improved the click-to-install conversion rate to a commendable 16%.


The optimization strategies paid off remarkably well. The publisher saw a substantial increase in their monthly revenue, reaching $15,000. Here are the key outcomes:

– High-Quality Traffic: By mitigating fraudulent activities, the quality of traffic improved, leading to more genuine user interactions and higher engagement rates.

– Increased Revenue: The combination of reduced fraud and improved conversion rates directly translated into increased earnings. The publisher’s revenue grew consistently, stabilizing at $15,000 per month.

– Sustainable Growth: The optimization efforts ensured long-term sustainability, allowing the publisher to maintain high revenue levels without compromising on traffic quality.

Mobmio continues to support publishers in achieving their growth objectives through tailored strategies and cutting-edge solutions. By partnering with us, the publisher not only maximized their revenue but also ensured that their traffic remained of the highest quality. 

Interested in boosting your app revenue? Contact Mobmio today to learn how we can help you achieve similar success.

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